Friday, June 24, 2011

Official title of the summer...

So, I think I've decided. This will officially be my summer of living recklessly. Life is funny. Closing doors, opening windows, and whatnot, you know?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

So, it's been a while, old friend...

What a weekend this has been...

On Friday night after work, I trekked home to the Quad cities for my good friend Laura's 21st birthday party. That was an adventure... Yesterday, my best friend, Mary, and her wonderful boyfriend, Sam, came to visit from Chicago yesterday. After a series of automobile-related mishaps, a questionable taxi driver from Rock Falls named "Bud", and an impromptu search-and-rescue mission on my part, they arrived largely unscathed to gallivant about town with me for entirely not enough time. We're planning a cross-country road trip for the end of the summer and after last night, I am positively giddy with anticipation. I'm not sure what the rest of this summer will hold for me or for anyone, but I can share with you some things I learned to be absolutely true this weekend:

1. Martini's has, without question, the best patio out of all the bars in Iowa City.
2. You stop drinking UV blue after freshman year for a reason and that reason is this: it's disgusting.
3. Going out in Davenport is weird.
4. Dragon fish are incredibly poisonous.
5. Bluebird Diner on Market St. is charming and has delicious food.
6. It does not matter how hard I try not to, I always forget to take pictures when I go out.
7. I am incredibly lucky to have such amazing friends.

I hope you've enjoyed the "wisdom" I've just imparted... I'm off to work on some Logic homework and then mosey over to Monica's to waitress the night away. Have a wonderful afternoon!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Greener grass or something...

Today's one of those days that I just wish it would rain.

In slightly related news, last night I watched the film Rabbit Hole with my good friend Kelsey. I HIGHLY recommend that you run, don't walk, out to your local video store and rent it. Right now. (Am I perpetuating the idea that I am secretly an old lady by admitting that I still go to a video store and don't have a fancy Netflix account?) Anyway, Rabbit Hole. It's sad and beautiful and so, so honest. I guess it kind of set the tone for my today. My grandfather is back on chemo and my friend's mother passed away yesterday. (I didn't find out until this morning). I guess for the past few days I've just been thinking about how simultaneously incredible and fragile life is.

I'm thinking about getting a tattoo this summer... We'll see...

Anyway, here's hoping for a downpour. I hope you have a beautiful, melancholy night like mine looks to be. Tell someone you love them. It may seem trite, but you really never do know when it might be the last chance you get.